This week Mike gave us a short tutorial on rendering a Maya animation and compiling the rendered images into a sequence on After Effects. We were shown the importance of playing around with the render settings, starting with a low resolution for practice rendering and then heightening the resolution for the final render. When our animation is finished we will use the render sequence to render out all the images into a folder. From there we will import them as a sequence into Adobe After Effects which will compile them in order to create the animation.

After the tutorial I continued the work on my shark. I finished the topology for my shark finally. I found it a little difficult to avoid some triangles, but as long as any messy parts where hidden in an area where they wouldn’t be noticed, or wont affect movement it wasn’t much to worry about. Even so, I didn’t need to leave any triangles as all topology was made up of at least four sided shapes.

I also had a go at doing the UV mapping for the shark. I think so far its pretty good, but I hope to get some advice on it in next lesson to see if its ready for rigging.

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