This week I feel like I have made a lot of progress on my character. Last week I had blocked out my dinosaur on blender and this week I have got straight into sculpting it.  I do enjoy using the sculpting tools on Blender and was a bit surprised how much progress I had made since last week. The main tools I have used so far has been the grab tool, the smoothing tool and the inflate tool. I used a combination of these tools to flesh out my dinosaur and make him look more natural.

As well as trying to perfect the main body, I also had a go at doing the spikes. The spikes in the picture above are the first set of spikes I had modelled. Although after looking at reference pictures of Godzilla from various movies, I really liked his style of spikes and how they overlapped each other so I wanted to give it a try myself on a different blender save.


I actually really like the style of the second design of spikes as I think they add more detail and look more dynamic, although I’m not sure if they take away from the cute character or not.

These are the reference images I used for the Godzilla spike design;



In class I made a lot more progress on the body shape. Henry advised me to make the arms and the legs thicker to make them fit in better with the overall body, so I used the inflate tool and the move tool to make the arms and legs more thicker and more natural looking. With the mouth, I added a cylinder shape and sculpted it into the mouth to add a bit more width to the jaw. With Henry’s help I was also able to use the grab tool and sculpt the mouth into more of a smile, or a happy expression rather than the blank one from before.

I also experimented with the teeth, just seeing whether more or less teeth looked better. I felt the more teeth that were added, the more threatening the character looked, however the less teeth the character had, made it look less threatening.

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