This week we were off because of Saint Patrick’s day so I had viewed the tutorials on blackboard about parent controls, simple rigging, intro to joints, paint skin weights, constraints and intro to IK. I went through each video and followed along in the hopes of better understanding rigging at this point in the course. I want to make sure I get the best understanding of it as we progress further into the course.

Below is snapshots of my joint setup, and the editing of paint skin weights.

Below is the snapshot of my IK hierarchy

In terms of the group work for our animated short, we have made some progress on our previz and animatic. Tim had done the majority of the previz and I completed the last few section of the previz and shared it with the group. We have also discussed who will model which character and have all come into agreement on who is modeling what. I will be modelling the shark for our animation. In preparation for this, I hope to carry on following the rigging tutorials to gain a better understanding for when I start modelling my shark character.  Earlier in the week I had found copyright free sound effects and background music for our animatic, I sent it into our discord group for everyone to listen to.

While previz was being sorted out, I also went ahead and done some blocking for my shark model on blender. Blocking the character would be helpful for giving me a good basis to work off.

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