For week 5 I came up with a few characters for the new group I was placed in. I was originally in the Sugar Prohibition Group, and now I am in the Angel Capitalist group. It has made character creation a little challenging as the world is completely different from my last world. The environments, the story and most importantly the characters are very different. When creating the characters I tried to think of different personalities they could have, then from there I’d build a character which best represents that personality. For example, I came up with a character who is generally laid back, lazy and has little work ethic. I made this character bigger, and his facial features have no emotion for the most part. I made him look dirty, and his clothes best promoted his laid back attitude. I came up with a timid, friendly character, and evil, menacing villain character and an older character. The older character has a hunched back and little hair, with some forehead wrinkles to best show his age.

When colouring my characters, I tried to use colours that best represented their personality, mood and motive. So for the timid and older character I used soft, light colours to show their personalities.  With stronger, more menacing characters I used red, black and maroon colours to show the evil, dark personality.

Below I have included some of the inspiration images for the character creation.  For the character of Ivan I created, he is the lazy, laid back character and I wanted his clothing to reflect that he isn’t the cleanest either. To get the right looking dirty colour for his vest, I got reference from an image of the video game character Trevor from GTA 5. His outfit is something that worked perfectly for my character and I wanted to get the same colour palette for his vest and jeans to show how dirty they are.

This image of Trevor from Grand Theft Auto 5 was a great colour reference for Ivan’s clothing. Trevor is seen as dirty and a bit of a slob, with Ivan, I wanted his clothing, especially his dirty vest to represent the same dirty style so I used Trevor’s vest as a colour reference for Ivan’s vest.

This image of evil, fiery bat wings served as great reference when creating the wings for my villain character called Vlad.

Image references:]


For Vlad’s wings I wanted scary, evil looking wings to match his personality. I found the above image of bat wings, made from bone and had a dark red fiery colour to them. This was something that really stood out to me and I used it to help colour Vlad’s wings. I though the bone frame was a great idea, so I used it and switched it up a little for Vlad’s wings.  I have also included a couple of sketches of potential flowers for each character, to reflect their personality. I done sketches of angel wings too, ones that would belong to the main character. Below are some of the sketches I did in my sketchbook before importing them onto Illustrator and developing them further with colour.


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