Prior to the first group homework task, the class each had to pick three cartoon/animated characters and find the form and shape within their bodies. I chose Mike from Monsters inc, Bart Simpson from The Simpsons and Stewie Griffin from Family Guy. I chose these three caharcters because each of them have very distinct shape outlines within their bodies. With Mike you can see the sphere right from the outset, with Stewie you can see the rugby ball shape within his head, and with Bart, his head is like a cylinder. These characters were great to break down into shapes.

For our first homework task, we were split into groups and tasked with coming up with 100 ideas for creating our own imaginary animated world. After some brainstorming of ideas, each group was changed around again so everyone had to work with new team members and brainstorm more ideas. Eventually I was placed in a final group with Josh Graham, Lauren Maxwell, Matthew Spiers and Stork McDowell. We came up with more ideas, and then it came time to decide 5 of the strongest ones out of the 100 we had.  The final 5 ideas we narrowed it down to were a Demon sitcom, Nature vs Tech, Horror Art Museum, 30s/40s noir Sugar prohibition and finally a Medieval/Witchcraft-Macbeth style story line.




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