What makes a good cv
When it comes to making a cv you must go into it Knowing the role you are trying to acquire, what it takes to be within this role and what makes you more deserving and suitable for this role as often there are many other applicants who are also qualified however it is up to you to convince the employer whoever it may be that you are the most suitable and will be the greatest asset to their team. You must go into this task knowing exactly what you want to say and how your gonna say it or else often you could get ahead of yourself and almost bore the employee with useless information that they pay less information to the details that really matter therefor moving on to the next applicant.

To allow yourself to stand out you must do your research on said role so you can hit keywords that the company will be closely watching for in order to pluck out those who are not taking it as serious.

Show reels 
When it comes to show reels they are what allows us to show our creativity and give us a chance to put our best foot forward. However this also can come with a great deal of pressure as with only limited time we it is important to carefully select pieces of work that are at our highest standard and best quality we are capable as this is all employers have as a representation of us and our talent therefor if there is work less than our best the employer will assume that is what they will be handed which may not be to the standard they withhold or expect in their company or business.

It is important to open up strong with your reel as you want to instantly capture the attention of the employer and then maintain that as they continue to watch. This allows you to stay in their memory giving you a much stronger chance as you have made an impact which will most often follow you through the employment process no matter what role that may be. A good mix of talents is always great however focusing on areas you excel and are more confident will ultimately benefit you with finding a role that suits you that you can work to your full potential and enjoy. One thing to always remember when making the showreel as much as you are trying to be true to yourself to also keep a level of professionalism as you are also trying to present yourself as a good employee.

Their are many ways to find job positions and opportunities especially in such a creative growing industry as animation. Through your learning networking is a great way to get yourself out there and make yourself known increasing your opportunities. Even though it may be seemingly obvious social media is a great outlet. By posting ur work and advertising yourself you are making yourself a name and a brand which people will learn and recognise to the point you are being seeked out. Many companies look for fresh new talent on social media in hopes for new original ideas styles and views. Another common way to apply for jobs is searching through job sites, animation companies and others in the business to watch for any job openings and never be scared to put yourself forward for it. Many times small companies will advertise looking for junior designers, animators to help them with projects they are working on which is a great way to begin in the industry to build up a professional portfolio and experience working in a professional environment therefor making you a more desirable applicant.

Once you are to the stage you are invited for an interview you must research the company thoroughly, learn their values their previous and current work. This shows hard work diligence and commitment to the job role. Many times once you have reached this stage it is clear they like the quality of work and now this is a test of your  desire for the job, attitude and reviewing if you are the right person for their team, therefor it is always necessary you study hard arrived early and presentable and make a lasting impression.Along with these talents you must also demonstrate ur knowledge of animation tools, software and methods with the ability to work with others efficiently.

within your cv always make sure you have the relevant education and provide a link to your showreel. It is also good to not get caught up in the technical side of things as it important to show off your soft skills such as time management, working with others and hard working attitude.

What makes a good cover email
A cover email is a short introduction to you as a worker, your goals and is important when putting your best foot forward. It is very important that will your points you come across as confident and sure of yourself showing this indicates you are independent motivated and have the confidence to join their team and work alongside them knowing yourself and confidence in your work as at the end of the day if you don’t even believe in your own work it’s very hard to convince an employer otherwise.

It is vital you include your qualifications and experience of any. This allows you to stand out and shows you are equipped for the role, it’s useful to emphasise the qualifications you have which are more suited to the role you are applying for making you the perfect candidate.

it is also very useful to show your research you have done of the company and most importantly flattering them with what you particularly like about the company, work they have produced that may of inspired you and why and why you have chose them in particular compared to other roles.

Finally, the about me section is lovers important although it seems minimal a lot of employers are wanting a member of their team therefor they aren’t just looking for a worker they are looking for someone who seem friendly no bubbly enough for their current staff. Another thing that could put you that little bit you need to pass the other candidates.

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