✨ Rough Animation pass 2 ✨


I didn’t get a lot done this week as I was focussing on my essay and backgrounds, but I did add a few more frames and some animation of Aqua’s ear twitching that I think turned out super awesome!! I still have to add some tweens to make the camera pans nice and smooth.



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Background progress!


I finally got these all coloured up! It was a ton of fun getting the colours on them finally, I think it really helped bring them to life! When discussing with Joseph what kind of palette we were going with, he basically said I could go crazy with it and he’d match, so I naturally went right for something colourful, pastel and purple.



I thought lots of blues and cool tones would help get across the tundra environment, and the purple would add a magical mysterious sort of element, also blue and purple are just super pretty! I’m especially proud of the crystal cliffs, I referenced the stripey gemstones in the inspiration sheet, as well as how the background artists on Steven Universe used a bunch of overlapping triangular shapes to get that cool crystal-y effect seen below!

Steven Crewniverse Behind-The-Scenes Universe: A selection of Backgrounds from the Ste… | Steven universe wallpaper, Background design, Crystal gems steven universe

pieinface | Steven universe wallpaper, Steven universe background, Steven universe


For the rest of my backgrounds, I did the same thing as before, except I took a few extra steps to separate the layers into three parts, the sky, clouds and mountains. I did this so I could get that cool effect of the clouds blowing by in the background! I tried it out in my animatic and I think it really helps sell the blustery wind.



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