Physical Display and Digital Design – Creative Futures

For this assignment, we would be developing our own individual branding and professional identities for our future careers, which includes not just items such as our CV and Showreel, but a full physical display for our Major Project that is fittingly designed to match the style and tone of the project. Fundraising Events Before weContinue reading Physical Display and Digital Design – Creative Futures

“Beyond” Short Film – Major Project

For this assignment, we were tasked with conceptualising and developing our own short film which showcases our unique artistic visions and skillsets. This is the big project that I, and I’m sure many others, have been eagerly anticipating after developing our skills during the past 3 years of the course.  This will be a documentationContinue reading “Beyond” Short Film – Major Project

Portfolio – Major Project

“Beyond” Short Film – Final Poster (May 2024) First Initial Concept Art (July 2022) Initial and Final Logo Designs (February 2023 / October 2023) “Aoife” Concept Art 01 (February 2023) “PH03BU5” Concept Art 01 (March 2023) Aoife & PH03BU5 Concept Poster (February 2023) Test Animation 01 (June 2023) Miscellaneous Concept Art 01 (July 2023) AoifeContinue reading Portfolio – Major Project