3D Group Animation: Post-Production (Antenna Met You)

Once we had rendered our individual shots, we would upload them to our Google Drive, which was where I would download them as a ZIP file and get ready to import them into Sony Vegas Pro 16 for editing. Before this time, we had also created a folder in our Google Drive dedicated to differentContinue reading 3D Group Animation: Post-Production (Antenna Met You)

3D Group Animation: Production (Antenna Met You)

Once settling on the story that we would be working on, we worked on finalising the storyboard into an animatic and further refining the story with a written script to help us better understand and emphasise the characters’ motives. From this process, we added elements such as the butterfly (which conveniently also has antenna) leadingContinue reading 3D Group Animation: Production (Antenna Met You)

3D Group Animation: Pre-Production (Antenna Met You)

For this assignment, the class was divided into different groups and tasked with creating a 30 second long 3D animation from scratch. With our previously gained knowledge of making 3D models from our other assignments, we would go on to learn so much more about the whole pipeline and process of creating an original shortContinue reading 3D Group Animation: Pre-Production (Antenna Met You)

Animation Studies – [06/04/2021]

For this assignment, I was tasked with creating two 3D animations with a pre-made rig, each of which should convey the weight of physical motion and the unique personality of the character respectively. _______________________________________________________________________________ The first step I needed to take was deciding what actions I was going to animate with the rig. To makeContinue reading Animation Studies – [06/04/2021]