During our Welcome Week induction, we were encouraged to make a small video that would introduce ourselves to our lecturers and the rest of the class.


This assignment was only for fun, and had no effect on our grade.

While stop motion was the suggested method to make the video, we had the freedom of choosing what medium we wanted to do, to which I went with a 2D digital style.

I used my regular art program IbisPaint X to draw the artwork that was used, and edited the video and audio together with Sony Vegas Pro 16.

The music I used was the official instrumental of the song “世界を変えるひとつのノウハウ” (One Know-How Way to Change the World) by After the Rain.

Creating this video was a good experience in expressing myself and conveying a specific intent, as I made the script and edited the video together myself.

I am very happy with the final result!

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