
What Is A Movie Poster?

It is a promotional tool used to entice potential filmgoers to watch a movie, that contains certain significant information, which include:

  • Movie title
  • Names of actors and actresses who feature in the movie
  • Directors
  • Producers
  • A visual that represents the movie
  • A ‘tagline’ or teaser


The most commercially important function of a movie poster is:

  • To promote a studio’s movies
  • To attract the audience’s attention to make them watch a specific film.

It is also to convey the following information:

  • Find the movie genre
  • Broadcasts the main idea
  • Introduces the main actors
  • Demonstrates the director’s statement


Poster Types


Something that announces the coming of a movie, creating a stir about the film among its audience. They are released during a movie’s development and may indicate a release date.

They may feature some styles such as:

  • Only containing the title or symbol associated with the film.
  • May be devoid of movie credits.
  • Words like ‘Coming Soon’, ‘In Theatres This Summer’, or the abbreviation ‘Adv’, ‘Advance’, or ‘Teaser’ are prevalent.
  • The main character is portrayed as looking at something in the distance.

Pay Off Key Art

This is the final movie poster when the movie completed as such contains more information than a teaser. This includes:

  • Names of the film stars
  • Movie Tagline
  • Production crew information
  • The distributor’s information

The main poster can come out in more than one style, however it depends on a movie’s title and budget.


Character Sell

These posters are designed when the studio or distributors decide to produce them. They highlight a specific movie character with the actor’s name and character played. It may also contain a tagline associated with the character.


My Ideas

As my project is music and dance based I researched poster designs based on those two concepts. What I found I liked, I could see something like these working for my project and so I used the below images as my references for my ideas.


Idea 1

The style of poster I want to go for is more along the lines of a teaser poster or promotional event poster. This is due to the fact that my project is not exactly a film but rather a collection, a teaser of sorts. Therefore a teaser poster would suit the project nicely.


What I wanted for this idea is a close up of all four characters together. The ‘Holiday’ image is heavily referenced for this idea. I just seen it and thought that it would work really well for my poster.


Idea 2

This idea was a promotional event style poster. I took the characters out a thought about it in a way that it was trying to promote the group’s performance.

For the background I am not sure on whether I want to go for a stage like concept or somthing similar to the party posters in my reference images.

Other Ideas

This really struct me when I saw it. As I have designed four characters, I really like the thought of doing character selective posters for each of the characters and probably have them on the set up for the end of the year show.




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