Case Study: Video-assisted learning, capturing authentic experiences of interprofessional interactions in health care practice 

Project Team

  • Dr Clare Puddifoot, School of Medicine  
  • Dr Enjy Abouzeid, School of Medicine 
  • Dr Briege M Lagan, School of Nursing and Paramedic Science 
  • Dr Deborah Lowry, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 
  • Dr Daniel Meehan, School of Medicine 

Aims / Objectives 

The aim of this project is to develop educational videos that can be used across different disciplines which illustrate to students the importance of inter-professional collaborative working relationships in health care practice.   

To do this, we invited health professionals from across the health service to participate in recorded interviews. The resources are being developed with the input from clinical active professionals in conjunction with academic teaching staff from the professional programmes. By creating a resource that highlights ‘local’ authentic situations, we hope to prepare students to deal with similar situations in practice and demonstrate how values and attributes such as respect and positive attitudes in inter-professional working relationships are key to improving patient outcomes 

Final Report 

To do this, we invited health professionals from across the health service to participate in recorded interviews. The resources are being developed with the input from clinical active professionals in conjunction with academic teaching staff from the professional programmes. By creating a resource that highlights ‘local’ authentic situations, we hope to prepare students to deal with similar situations in practice and demonstrate how values and attributes such as respect and positive attitudes in inter-professional working relationships are key to improving patient outcomes 

It is envisaged this resource will stimulate open discussion and debate amongst students within different health science programme, to encourage self-reflection and enable students to view situations from a different lens. The intended outputs:  A student learning resource will be developed that can be used to facilitate IPE across different disciplines. It is envisaged the resource will:  

The intended impact: 

  1. Promote increased situational awareness 
  1.  Respect differences of opinions and the value of each person’s skills and contributions. 
  1. Encourage reflective practice 
  1. Appreciate the importance of professional values and attributes in workplace scenarios. 

Progress to date: 


We have currently recruited five out of the eight participants to the project including a General Practitioner, Pharmacist, Nurse, GP receptionist, Surgeon and a Paramedic. We are currently recruiting a  Physician Associate, and one other professional. 


We have started interviewing participants using Teams. On the request of participants, we will use audio recording only.  


Due to the time constraints on the funds, we were not able to use cinematic arts as planned, and will have to do the editing in-house 

Teaching sessions 

Under development