Podcast: Advanced Care Planning & Multidisciplinary Collaboration


Dr Diane Lees-Murdock, Ulster University

Pauline Douglas, Ulster University
Dr Valerie Hinch, Ulster University

Ulster IPE-Pod 7/8

In this episode we discuss examples of interprofessional education led by staff in Ulster University’s School of Biomedical Sciences, Pauline Douglas, Senior Lecturer in Dietetics, Clinical Dietetics Facilitator and Honorary Professor in Leadership & Management in higher Education along with Dr Valerie Hinch, Lecturer & Course Director for Biomedical Science & Placement Co-Ordinator.

Discussions centre around a Faulty-funded case study designed to foster an understanding of interprofessional roles and to introduce the importance of Advanced Care Planning (ACP) to health and social care students.  We also discuss and review how cross-faculty academic staff can best integrate ACP training into the curriculum as an IPE strand to create awareness and integration of capabilities to all our healthcare students in an interprofessional inclusive cross-faculty manner to ensure they are well prepared for future employability and the expectation service users have of them. Furthermore, we discuss multidisciplinary collaborations to prepare students for placement and the workplace.
