Podcast: Digital Stories for Prioritising Rights and Dignity when Vulnerable in Clinical Decision Making


Dr Diane Lees-Murdock, Ulster University

Dr Claire McCauley, Ulster University

Ulster IPE-Pod 2/8

In this episode we discuss with Dr Claire McCauley, Lecturer in Health Sciences, School of Nursing, Ulster University, her experience of leading a team of colleagues in developing three Structured Digital Personal Stories which have been co-developed with community partners from DEEDs (Dementia Engagement and Empowerment in Derry and Strabane), The Rainbow Project in Belfast and the School of Nursing and Paramedic Peer Group. These narratives focus on dementia, addiction and transgender lived experiences of poor clinical decision making. Members of each community partner group recorded the co-created stories and collaborated with the team to pick visual images which reflected the content. The Structured Digital Personal Stories were developed through shared planning and inclusive teamwork to ensure that the core values of each professional group are aligned to achieve shared learning. Members of the study team included Mrs Clare McGlone, Mr Paul Corns and Dr Paula McFadden from Ulster University School of Nursing & Paramedic Science, School of Social Work and N. Ireland Ambulance Service.
