IPE Delivery sub-group

The Delivery Subgroup explores potential spaces for IPE to take place, both offline in physical teaching and learning campus based rooms and in online spaces.

  1. To design and build an online space as a central point of contact for all university staff for IPE
    • Scope different platforms and choose the best fit 
    • Storyboard the main navigational structure for phase 1 launch 
    • Build pilot in preparation for phase 1 launch July/August 2022 
  2. To advise faculty on good practice approaches to IPE delivery of teaching and learning through resources and case studies, local and external 
  3. Curation of Open Education Resources and useful links 
  4. Seek local case studies of innovative work, including examples of online approaches  
  5. Liaise closely with the two other subgroups to ensure communication flow, identification of resources/case studies and prevent duplicate work