Category: podcast

Podcast: Problem Based Learning for Rare Diseases

Participants Dr Diane Lees-Murdock, Ulster University Dr Jean Daly-Lynn, Ulster University Michelle Davidson, UU student Ulster IPE-Pod 8/8 In this episode we discuss Problem Based Learning scenarios for interprofessional education based on the experience of patients with Rare Diseases.  I talk to Jean Daly-Lynn, Lecturer in Psychology, School of Health Sciences at Ulster University and…Continue Reading Podcast: Problem Based Learning for Rare Diseases

Podcast: Advanced Care Planning & Multidisciplinary Collaboration

Participants Dr Diane Lees-Murdock, Ulster University Pauline Douglas, Ulster UniversityDr Valerie Hinch, Ulster University Ulster IPE-Pod 7/8 In this episode we discuss examples of interprofessional education led by staff in Ulster University’s School of Biomedical Sciences, Pauline Douglas, Senior Lecturer in Dietetics, Clinical Dietetics Facilitator and Honorary Professor in Leadership & Management in higher Education…Continue Reading Podcast: Advanced Care Planning & Multidisciplinary Collaboration

Podcast: Development of a Postgraduate Certificate in Interprofessional education for Healthcare Professionals and Practitioners

Participants Dr Diane Lees-Murdock, Ulster University Prof Patricia McClure, Ulster University Dr Brian McGowan, Ulster University Ulster IPE-Pod 6/8 In this episode I discuss the development and launch of a Postgraduate Certificate in Interprofessional Education for Healthcare Professionals and Practitioners at Ulster University with Professor Patricia McClure, Professor Emeritus in Occupational Health, School of Nursing…Continue Reading Podcast: Development of a Postgraduate Certificate in Interprofessional education for Healthcare Professionals and Practitioners

Podcast: Community Healthcare

Participants Dr Diane Lees-Murdock, Ulster University Stephanie Dunleavy, Ulster University Ursula Chaney, Ulster University Iain Jack, Ulster University Ulster IPE-Pod 5/8 In this episode we talk to Stephanie Dunleavy and Ursula Chaney, School of Nursing & Paramedic Science and Iain Jack, School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences about their case study which focused on the…Continue Reading Podcast: Community Healthcare

Podcast: Interprofessional Communication – Scenario for Teaching 

Participants Dr Diane Lees-Murdock, Ulster University Dr Marise Heyns, Ulster University Dr Daniel Meehan, Ulster University Seanna Gregory & Chris Mo, UU students Ulster IPE-Pod 4/8 In this episode our guests are Dr Marise Heyns, Senior Lecturer in Anatomy, Dr Daniel Meehan, Lecturer in Physician Associate Education, both from School of Medicine, Ulster University and…Continue Reading Podcast: Interprofessional Communication – Scenario for Teaching 

Podcast: The Cycle-IN Programme

Participants Dr Diane Lees-Murdock, Ulster University Dr Erin Byrd, Ulster University Conor McGilloway, Foyle Down’s Syndrome Trust Ulster IPE-Pod 3/8 In this episode I discuss the Cycle-IN programme with Dr Erin Byrd, Ulster University, School of Sport & Conor McGilloway, Health & Wellbeing Officer, Foyle Down’s Syndrome Trust.  The Cycle-IN programme was designed under the premise that:…Continue Reading Podcast: The Cycle-IN Programme

Podcast: Digital Stories for Prioritising Rights and Dignity when Vulnerable in Clinical Decision Making

Participants Dr Diane Lees-Murdock, Ulster University Dr Claire McCauley, Ulster University Ulster IPE-Pod 2/8 In this episode we discuss with Dr Claire McCauley, Lecturer in Health Sciences, School of Nursing, Ulster University, her experience of leading a team of colleagues in developing three Structured Digital Personal Stories which have been co-developed with community partners from…Continue Reading Podcast: Digital Stories for Prioritising Rights and Dignity when Vulnerable in Clinical Decision Making

Podcast: All Ireland Interprofessional Healthcare Challenge for Students

Participants Dr Diane Lees-Murdock, Ulster University Jean Daly-Lynn, Ulster University Professor Louise Dubras, Ulster University Iain Jack, Ulster University Annabel Van der Wel, UU student Ulster IPE-Pod 1/8 In this first episode of the Ulster IPE-Pod, we will be hearing about the experience of the Ulster University team who entered the intervarsity All Ireland Interprofessional…Continue Reading Podcast: All Ireland Interprofessional Healthcare Challenge for Students