Project team
Dr Marise Heyns, School of Medicine
Aims / Objectives
The aim of this project was to create resources that will allow for students from different programmes to prepare for practice in the health care system. Currently the various professions tend to be taught in isolation and we often hear about uncomfortable incidents when they have to work together in practice. When health professionals work together effectively, patients are more likely to receive safe, quality care, which benefits the health system. The resources will enable our students to acquire the critical competencies of appropriate interprofessional communication. Not only will this intervention inform our students on the roles of other professionals in teams, but it will also empower them to identify incidences of unprofessional behaviour and how to act on this. Reflective practice will enable them to transpose this into practice during training and when they start with hospital rotations and interprofessional practice.
Final Report
Professionals from various disciplines were invited to attend script writing and filming of scenarios that aim to demonstrate incidences of professional interaction, typical of practice in health care, and focus on building good relationships through professionalism e.g. appropriate manner of address and respect for others’ roles. The filming was conducted by students from Cinematic Arts. None of the contributing professionals could attend the actual filming, which resulted in actors being sourced from the Cinematic Arts and Paramedic students as well as close family members.
The role play scenarios demonstrated respectful and disrespectful interactions in a MDT setting, which can act as stimulus for single or mixed student group discussion / reflection on how they conduct themselves professionally in practice.
Resource output (format, links and proposed uses)
The resource which demonstrated poor communication is complete and can be found at IPE M Heyns