First Week Professional Practice – Reflection Questions Part One

Where do I want to be in one year?

In one year, I would like to be in a design job where I can get a monthly salary. When I finish university, I want to take a short break before applying to start designing things on my own time to try and get a side business idea up and running and with a salary that would make this even more possible. I would be very happy to start looking for branding and advertising jobs as I find those are my strongest points at the moment I think. The size of the company I would want to be a part of is something I want to explore, either a big corporate company or a smaller size company.

In three years?

In three years, I wish to be happy in a job and hopefully have gained more experience and clarity in the work I want to do. Also, I would like to have moved up in a job if employed for a while. I would also like to have my own business where I am making money and able to save money. With my design job and experience improving moving into another role such as moving image or animation, such as movie introduction and graphics design jobs within the movie or television industry.

In five years from now?

Five years from now, I would love to have the means to work for myself a good part of the time but also have a senior role part-time in a business such as branding or in television. Also If I could work remotely and in the office, that would help with time management and running my own business too, which would hopefully make me more money at this point and I would be able to cut down some hours.


This Year the main focus that I want to improve within myself is my confidence, especially in my work. I could have a more positive and organized mindset that would help me with this.

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