
With my group: me, Jennifer, Alisa, Matthew and Ben, we started to brainstorm our possible 3D short animation ideas with the website, Miro Board.

We acknowledged we were to follow the theme of Adventure, make sure the story doesn’t go over/under 30 seconds, and is unique and simple to animate.


We discussed many ideas and what we thought about them. Eventually we ticked or crossed out which ones we did and didn’t like. Those ideas that were ticked, we discussed them more to see what story we can make out of them and how we can achieve it.


We moved onto cutting down the ideas to which ones were the strongest. We were left with five ideas by the end of our first group call. We decided to take at least two of these ideas and draw out rough storyboards of what we thought would happen and how the characters/environment would look like.

In our next group call, we gathered our rough storyboards together and examined them. We made a new table on Miro listing each of the five stories and the storyboards that were made for them underneath. We took some time to list the pros and cons of each story; thinking about how we would go about it, if the characters/environment were achievable, if we followed the theme ‘adventure’, and what kind of genre it provided etc. humour, mystery, wholesome.


After much discussion and voting, the two different alien stories won over the final five ideas. The alien giraffe story is about an alien landing on a planet inhabited with alien giraffes, who didn’t fit anywhere else because of their antennas, but makes friends with the giraffe as they have the same antennas as them.

Source: Alisa’s take on the alien giraffe story.

The poker alien story is about a space man ready to fight off the aliens entering earth. However he gets abducted quite easily. He enters the spaceship and the aliens cheer because they found another player to play poker with.

Source: My take on the poker alien story – rough storyboard and thumbnails

With these two ideas, we will be making concept work, and pre-production ideas to present to the class and to also decide on which one is the strongest idea to make.

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