Cyberpunk World – Week 6/7/8

Cyberpunk World week 6 -7 was during our mid-term so we took this time to focus on our other work. In week 8 we were told to choose our favourite world to work on for the rest of the project. I chose to stay on the Cyberpunk world. In this group we had myself, Ben, John and Rachael. These new teammates were part of the original group so it was easy for me to explain on what they missed.

We started to discuss what we could animate in our world; how it correlates to the story, what actions it will have etc. We settled for a scene where the main character is being chased by the police of the cyberpunk city. I wrote this paragraph to help me with the structure of the story, to develop into drawings in my storyboard.

‘The thief and his cat peeks out then crawls out of a pothole (where he goes to hide) he is noticed by the police and blue lights start flashing. He picks up his cat and starts to run. He sprints around a corner of a building to cut off the police authority from chasing them. Both the thief and the cat jump onto a downwards escalator and slide down to the lower ground. This gives them plenty of time to jump back into another pothole, back in contact with his hiding spot, not to be seen again.’

Here is my storyboard take. I made sure that each scene and key frame is clear and understandable for me and my group if we choose to use a storyboard like this. I made sure to add a note of what frame rate we can make this into (12fps). each row is made for each of us in the group as there are four of us. Also, using post-it notes to complete this was more efficient and fun for me to make the storyboard with.


After some feedback from my lecturers and more discussion with my teammates, I updated my storyboard to show ideas from my teammates that when put together, flows a lot better.

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