Cyberpunk World – Week 4

During week 4, I got switched to the next group, Cyberpunk world. In this group we had myself, Jennifer, Lucy, and Simas. We were paired up with this group to discuss the overall idea of how this Cyberpunk world. Since all the original teamates of this world had moved away, none of us really knew what the world was about. We planned out our own take on the world with the information we could find from their group chat. We started a Miro board and put down all our ideas.

After doing this we had a solid idea for the Cyberpunk world while trying to stick to what the past teammates had first planned also. We wrote an overview of the world so new teammates for next week can understand clearly our world idea. 



As a group we discussed a lot about the design such as the characters, the cyborg animals and the antagonists. I chose to focus on possible main/side protagonist characters to see what I could come up with. Since this week we were working on colour theory, I added colour into my pieces to experiment with how the world would look in colour. This development of the characters really helped to find where we were and continue with the rest of the world.

I also did some extra colour thumbnails to grasp the overall feel of the world, what colours would we see most, what scenes may occur, what emotion it gives etc.

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