Once all animations were in a good state where it would only featured polish I cleaned up Deaths animations and began bringing them through marvelous to simulate the cloak and see how that would react and look in unreal. I realised without a lead in set of frames the cloak would not sit on the model correctly and break during the animation, I went back and added a lead in of 200 frames for all scenes and 500 for scene 2 as it was so far from the starting position. I tried importing the cloak to unreal and realised on many attempts it crashed the scene. I tried limiting the frame range on the import but the same issue occurred and therefore could only see the animation in maya, not wanting to delay on progress as the deadline was fast approaching I decided to leave the import process until after incase this was due to unfamiliarity that i could re-render after the fact.
Conor took the lead on scene prep again by bringing most of the models and animations into Unreal and or exporting them from maya for me to set up as I went back and made minor corrections to the animations which were more noticeable in unreal. The models and animations were very straight forwards to bring in but this is thanks to Conor having established a specific process prior to me starting (This did take a numerous amount of hours though as he didn’t know the process and it was only after I told him to reach out and ask those who might did we get things set up properly).
The major section left was just finding audio for the short that matched as Conor contacted Chris McCann on 3 separate occasions as we had not received any word on the sound design and were starting to suspect we might not get anything in time, but as I spent time during the edits working with temp sound this didn’t take as long as it could have.
All Aboard Film
As the project was all wrapped up I went and gathered most of my contribution on Art Station and Sketchfab for Ease of viewing
SketchFab – https://sketchfab.com/danielmclaughlin2018
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