
In the morning class we were talked through the module, there will be a pitch presentation during week 3 where we show our ideas to the class and show our concept work as well as storyboards and an animatic. After the rundown we were asked to form groups, if we had not done so already, and discuss our ideas. Nicole and I formed a group. We were then tasked to split off and discuss our ideas with different groups. After the activity we got back into our groups and talked to the tutors about our ideas. We talked with Henry about our ideas, he told us to figure out the theme and concept of the project. 



After class Nicole and I talked through our ideas, we wanted the theme of jealousy and new verses old. We came up with the idea of animatronics in an arcade, the old one becomes jealous as a newer robot steals the show. This is the first draft of our story. 


We made a rough character list and environment list of everything we might need. Our plan is to have two main characters that we focus on, and the other robots move subtly in the background.  


We also created some mood boards for the characters and the environment 

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