#IXD303 – Best Practices for Onboarding Users in Health Apps – Article Review

A good onboarding experience is essential for user experience. It provides users with all the required information they need to know, uses and understanding of the application – without leaving them to assume how to work and utilise the application. The article by Sunpreet Narang provides an overview of important things to consider when designing the onboarding process for healthcare applications.

Decide crucial features in the App

The onboarding screen should essentially summarise the most important features of the app. Any other, less important, features should be left for the user to discover. The most important features will be the ones that address the user’s problems and make the app unique.

Earn users trustĀ 

Understandably, many people who use health apps have privacy concerns. Therefore, the onboarding can gain the trust of users by:

  • Only asking for essential details
  • Explain why those details are needed and to what level that information will be kept confidential
  • Offer users your privacy policy

Keep onboarding steps minimalĀ 

If the onboarding process is long, break it down into manageable chunks so that users don’t feel overwhelmed or bored by the process. It’s also advised to allow users to save and come back to it later so that if they need to leave for any reason, they don’t have to start from the beginning.

Use clear and concise language

Utilising simple and clear messaging allows essential information to be passed quickly and easily to the user and reduces the chances of them skipping the instructions.

Allow users to cosomise their view

Customisation allows the app to become a more personalised experience for the user, making their experience more enjoyable and fit to their goals. This is especially important in a healthcare app as every individual will have different goals they want to prioritise in their health. This can be achieved by allowing users the choice of what areas they are most interested in improving, such as sleep or cardio.

Choose social sign-in carefully

Allowing users to sign in using their social media may provide an increased risk of data breaches, and this is especially important in healthcare apps where people provide private information. Therefore it’s important to think carefully about what social sign-ins to use if any. If social media platforms are provided to sign in, then inform the users of the data sharing that will be involved.


Onboarding is especially important in a children’s app, this will be extremely beneficial in allowing me to climatise the user on what to do as they sign up. This article has been beneficial in informing me of the steps that are needed in creating an onboarding process in the healthcare industry.

Articles used:

Best practices for onboarding users on a healthcare app

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