#IXD304 – Reflecting & Re-Designing on my Immersive Prototype

After week 6’s critique session, I had a hard look at my immersive prototype as I wasn’t satisfied with how it looked and felt. However, I felt like the brand, art direction and overall visual design could be expanded on to create something strong, modern and bold (original values).

I decided to use the next week and a half to re-design my immersive prototype before I replicated it onto a website. However, this meant starting all over again in structure, content and a bit of visual design. Recognizing I will be putting this on a webpage, I decided to work from that instead of the original PowerPoint-Esque feel I had.

Acknowledging the potential greatness of my art direction I wanted it to be visually strong and clean. After looking at initial inspirations I decided to look more closely to one that inspired me; VOX – an American news and opinion YouTube Channel is known for its bold art direction, clean and crispt animations. You can view the blog I recently wrote on them here. This is what I originally wanted the feel of my prototype/website to entail.

What have I done? 


  • One column Structure
  • Content is centre aligned
  • More adaptable for a website


  • Justified content
  • Content follows a pattern: Picture/animation + H2 + Body text
  • Typography is now scaled appropriately and boldly
  • Typography has been paired with a different body copy


  • Interactions will now consist of main gifs and parallax scrolling
  • The main content will no longer be animated as it can be too much when paired with parallax scrolling.

Art Direction/Visual Design

  • Similar to VOX I used a faint texture over all my visual imagery to make it look rustic and give it a sense of uniqueness.
  • Everything is now black and white except the occasional use of reds to highlight words and add to the overall art direction.


I feel like this week and a half has been extremely important to me by allowing me to look over my prototype to make positive changes. Looking back at the old design, I have come a long way in a short amount of time. I feel really satisfied at how the immersive prototype has turned out so far and even more satisfied to replicate this onto a website.


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