Animated Narratives – Lighting

This week we were shown how to use Maya lights and Arnold lights. We watched Mikes tutorial both in class and pre-recorded. I tried to create a quick lighting test using three point lighting which our characters will need to have set up. I had some trouble t=with maya crashes while lighting for some reason which kind of freaked me out about rendering later on.. I tried my best to follow up to a point but couldnt get too far.

I wanted to try another go and create a darker light set up since I know in my animation group is set at night.

It’s not the best first tryof trying to light in a dark setting, but I’m going to look up some videos and references for the future!


I went on further to explore mesh lights, I found them really pretty and easy enough to use and thought that we could use it for the moon in our animation along with other objects like candles etc.



Lighting the Animation scene

Lighting the night graveyard scene was a lot of trail and error of getting it dark enough that it’s clearly night time but also not too dark that assets and characters get too lost. Alec mentioned about lighting things with a rim light to make them pop against a dark background. I lit with a lot of blues, whites and purples to give the moonlit look we wanted as a group.


I brought in my character to see how he would look in the lighting.

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