I wanted to try and gather some video references that inspired ideas for my scene or a specific shot either sourced from existing media or my own video if I wanted something more simple and specific.
The two shots that I wanted most reference and inspirations for was the student to monster transformation shot, and the wide shot of a spell being cast and being countered/failing. I felt these were the most tricky shots for me, as they are usually visually striking and should envoke feeling from an audience.
My own references: https://ulster-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/malard_fowler-c_ulster_ac_uk/EkVNgxMlYz9Ehjy6Zd2pbR4BAFEhRfHl8Z1uQRKNeMYVfA?e=ieecYO
Scene inspirations:
Grand Hall spell casting
Monster transformations/reveals
A lot of the transformations I tried to research and references happens in mere moments. I really like a fast transformation as it feels much more terrifying and shows how deadly the touch of the fungal monsters can be.
A lot of the best transformations I found were werewolf centred, as it is one of the most physically brutal looking of most tranformations along side zombie transformations. One aspect of werewolf transformations that I really like is the elongation of limbs, feet and hands. I wanted my own monster designs and transformation to reflect this aspect, and others that I felt were visually strong and might work well in a silhouetted form.
Fungal Visuals/Movements
I watched the Documentary “Fantastic Fungi” many weeks ago, which is available on Netflix – This was a great influence to me for how the monsters could have communicated in a hivemind like way, introducing the mycelium of mushrooms into the contact infection, some of the inspirations in my concepts and how sped up mushrooms grow to inspire the transformation visuals.