I was paired with Eimear Doherty to review and give feeback on our blogs.
As well as getting some feedback on the blogs, Eimear and I shared some artists and educational sources that we have put on each of our blog posts. I really appreciated the advice and sources they shared with me.
Eimear made some pointsabout keeping good pace about my blogs, include some text then images and reference if any.
I also recognised that sometimes I do write a lot in my blogs, and it was pointed out that sometimes it’s not needed.
I took note of something that I liked about Eimear’s blog, that there is a lot of images showing process. It’s something I feel like I can still work on, but have improved on already.
Aodhan then came to our group and gave advice to each of us. He mentioned my blogs are looking good, but to be mindful of the writing and make sure they’re paragraphed etc as it can then be easier on the eyes and have a more pleasant flow.
some needed visual aid.