Wedding Tavern Layout

Henry kindly allowed me an extension till the 23rd of December to finish this assignment as I knew there was no way I could finish on time for the original 19th deadline.

When doing the layout of my version of the Tavern. Ciara kindly sent an earlier version of her Unreal file so I wouldn’t have to start from scratch. Her project had the floor, walls, stairs, and smaller assets laid out. From there, I imported and migrated anything that hers didn’t have, including all my assets and some of the other group’s work, like Lel and Acacia’s. At first it was quite hard to navigate as it was Ciara’s project which had files everywhere and the outliner also all over the place, but I got around it and laid out the Tavern, as I interpreted it. Again, my perfectionism got the better of me, so I spent a lot of time on layout. I also redid the walls as I hadn’t finished them for whenever the group made the original layout.





Once the layout was done. I added the lighting I wanted the scene to have, including flickering lights for the fire on the candles and slower, pulsing lights for the glowing lanterns. I also made it night as the scene we wanted to create is the after party of the wedding, which is supposed to be calm and serene. Finally, I added in 2D flame animations, using the 2D paper actors’ function, making flipbooks for the 3 coloured flames that Manny made for us. I added this over the candles and in the fireplace.

Flickering Light Material:

Getting ready for the cinematic, I added a Global Post Process Volume so that I could control the scene’s affects globally rather than having to change each shot to match manually.

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