Building a World

(WEEK 1)

During our Thursday class we were also put into groups of 10 to officially begin our ‘Build a World’ Assignment. Our first exercise was to attempt to come up with 100 prompts for World ideas as a group and write them down on a whiteboard. I found this to be an interesting exercise as the freedom to come up with anything brought up some unique ideas from the group members. I couldn’t think of anything at first because my mind kept drawing a blank but once the board started filling up, I was able to start coming up with my own prompts. Sarah then split us up into half this time and we were left with 5 members: Savanah, Charlotte, Isiah, Phillip and me (Group 7). We were then tasked with cutting down the prompts from 100 – 5. Here’s what our boards looked like:

Our 5 World ideas ended up being: Demon Sitcom (Savanah), Fish Swimming in Northern lights (myself), Alien Highschool (Charlotte), Monkey Bodybuilding (Isiah) and Humans are the Pokémon (Phillip).

Once we added to each of the ideas, we decided that ‘Fish Swimming in Northern Lights’ seemed to be the majority favourite and carried a lot of potential, so we develop this idea the most. Sarah also mentioned we should meet up to discuss and develop the World we chose to be able to present a rough concept to present to class for next Thursday’s class. We decided to meet after Tuesday’s class as we were all free.

“Spirit Sky Fish” Miro Link:

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