Week 3


For this week’s homework exercise we were asked to make another 6 thumbnails using ‘Tone & Value’. Again I struggled with this due to my job so I only managed 1. After switching to groupĀ  ‘Moth Cult’, I really liked to idea of a gaint moth that towered over tall buildings so came up with this thumbnail. I liked how this one turned out, with the moon silhouetting the back of the moth. As for the tone & value, I think I again struggle to completly grasp the conspect and the moth could have maybe been a different value than the building its purched on to push the value, to add more depth to the thumbnail.

Switching Groups again

Like last week week, we got switched in our groups again. This time I was moved over to ‘1920s Supernatural’ which I was quite upset over because the genre doesn’t really appeal to me. However, we discussed amongst our group and got a brief run down of the plot/ideas develop so far by the 2 previous groups. Our group seemed to struggle with communication so we didn’t end up developing our World too dramatically. Just said that we would all try to come up with some characters for the next week.

Overall, not a very productive week.

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