I’m really excited to start this assignment as I want to explore some of the essentials needed in the animation industry. This assignment has a choice of either 2D or 3D. I want to practice and improve on my 2D animation skills so I’m thinking of choosing this instead of 3D, as it’ll give me more range to experiment with visuals that are unique to 2D. This assignment is a continuation of the summer exercises we were given; to practice and start looking into the walk/run cycles and body mechanic animation. I really needed a break during this summer to recuperate so I didn’t really do much practice, so I’ll be going into this blind.
During our first class on this assignment, we had a quick workshop on posing the ‘Jack Rig’ in Maya. We were tasked with choosing a few reference pictures of different poses to use for our Jack Rig. I found a few interesting poses off Pinterest, that would give me a good challenge and idea of how affectively I’m able to use the rig. Here’s what I did during today’s class exercise:
The start of this exercise was a bit finicky, positioning the model without counteracting the rig controls was tricky but in the end, I think I captured the poses of the reference well.