Final Cinematic

Finally, for my cinematic, I ended up with a total of 16 shots. The total run time, including the title card and credits is 2 minutes. Henry advised keeping the final cinematic a maximum of 1 minute 30 seconds, but I went over by 30 seconds as I couldn’t let go of any of the shots I compiled. Without the title card and credits, it’s about 1 minute 45 seconds so hopefully this is okay. For the actual camera work, it took a little getting used to, but once I got the hang of it, it was really enjoyable. Adding the Post Processing affects like, the lens flares and bloom really gave off the aesthetic I was going for. Here’s one example of the Post Processing settings I used for my ‘cake 2’ shot. I added a lot of lens flares, soft bloom, and lower exposure to most of my shots to give it that soft glow and ethereal, serene feeling.

Example of Post Processing Settings from “Cake Shot 2” :

I had to extend again due to technical difficulties as my home PC couldn’t seem to handle the rendering due to storage issues. I came in as soon as our campus reopened after the Christmas break and finished my renders and used After Effects to edit my final cinematic together.

I used these HQ variables for my renders in Unreal:

  • ScreenPercentage (Anywhere from 150-200)
  • TemporalAA.Upsampling 0
  • AmbientOcclusion.Denoiser 0
  • AmbientOcclusion.Denoiser.TemporalAccumulation 0
  • DiffuseIndirect.Denoiser 0
  • Shadow.Denoiser 0
  • Shadow.Denoiser.TemporalAccumulation 0 r.GlobalIllumination.Denoiser.TemporalAccumulation 0

In After Effects, I faded a lot of my shots into each other as I felt it was too static without the softer transitions, it also added to the calm cinematography I wanted.

I tried to focus equally on everyone’s assets throughout my shots so that it shows off everyone’s hard work in my cinematic. Overall, I’m really happy with what I achieved, and I think the pacing of my cinematic works really well with the romantic scene our group wanted to capture.

Final Wedding Tavern Cinematic:





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