
On week 3, we moved onto our 3D modelling. I ran into some issues here as I tend to get carried away with how long I spend trying to make things perfect. I ran into this issue last year also and tried to be more self-aware and break the habit, but I still ended up spending longer on than I needed. I went into week 8 only having my modelling/UVs finished but not textured. This made me feel a lot of pressure as I didn’t want to let my team down or fall behind the pipeline. I think I could have avoided this issue if I had spent more time during summer break to practice and get more comfortable with Maya and UVs. Specifically, UVs slowed me down as they confuse me still.

Although I spent a lot of time modelling and UV mapping, I am quite happy about my models. I ended up with 12 models/assets in total. It’s not as many as some of my group’s assets but I did what I could with my time. I ended up abandoning the lantern as there just wasn’t enough time for me to UV and texture and it would affect the environment because Ellie and Ciara had made some already.




(Abandoned Lantern)



Some issues I had in this period of the pipeline was, getting the art style down. I feel like most of my models turned out good but the first version of the door for example, was too rigid and plain. Once I made it a bit more angled it fit more into the environment and art style we are going for.

Door before:

Door After:

We ran out of time for makinmg a small window so we used this model off Sketchfab: “The Tavern – Wall window” ( by François Espagnet is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (

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