Week 10 – Retopology

Before class, I started blocking in Maya first, just because I found it easier to navigate and build up the basic shapes. Here’s what finished with:

I tried to start sculpting in Blender but I got confused with the symmetry tool. I hit Mike up and he did a quick online call with me and showed me how to set origin to center of mass so that the symmetry points weren’t off. With his help, I was able to make a good start into my sculpting.


For the sculpting I’ve mostly used the inflate/deflate, draw, sharp draw, carve and smooth tools to get my details. I also found a video on how to create masks in sculpt mode. By using the mask tool and drawing out the area I want to pull out, then inverting my mask, I was able to create some rough ears that I later smooth out.
As I was busy catching up, I didn’t get to practice retopology so I’ll have to catch up later.

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