I had an appointment in the morning, so I missed this morning’s class but came in after lunch for the afternoon. We were meant to have our presentation 2nd today but we just ended up showing Alec himself.
I had prepared my concept for worker bee #1:
Alec was happy enough with it and said everything looked good. We hadn’t anything from Chika in over a month, so we confirmed that we’d leave them out of the final animation. With one less member, I said that I’d carry on with the second worker bee as well to pick up the slack a start contributing more for my group. I started to model my bees in Maya and here’s what I came up with:
I decided to call them “Phatt Bee” & “Cheeky Bee”.
I messaged Alec this week too to have a talk about my current struggle and feeling overwhelmed. He reassured me and was kind enough to help me a little with my bee models to improve them.