
I spent most of Easter on my assignment 2 of 3D Literacy and postponing the Animated Narratives. I was able to get in contact with my lecturers and they were very understanding and helpful. I managed to start my rigging with the help of Alec and Mike, using video tutorials to guide me. I’ll be honest this confused me a lot and took me some time to understand but because of the help from my group and lecturers, I got there in the end.

I also decided to UV unwrap my bees and give them textures. I did this by unwrapping and then screen capping the faces of the bee in the UV Editor in Maya and then brought the templates into Photoshop where it filled in the colours to create the appropriate stripes. I also made the bees different colours to give them personality. The Cheeky bee a more saturated tone because of his snarky attitude and the Phatt Bee a more pastel tone as he’s more carefree/innocent.

During my rigging I ran into a few issues. Using the correct constraint and skin weights. I had been using the point constraint but should have used the parent constraint. I also needed help the skin weights but after a video from Alec I understood and was able to fix the issues I was having with the face, wings and arms morphing.


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