Brands who showcase good visual marque processes


I have decided to do some more research on the overall process of creating a visual marque and I have researched some brands who have done this well. I felt like this would give me a better idea of how to do this project well and more efficiently and I was hoping that this research would inspire me and my visual brand ideas.







Menti has rebranded their image and their new identity takes its visual cues from bars, pies, lines and dots; the most commonly used data graphics. They are the building blocks of a Menti experience therefore making this an obvious and smart choice for the brands visual marque. Their new design definitely captures the brands energy giving off a vibrant and positive feel. They wanted their new visual marque to express the fun and energy of Mentimeter and I think that they captured this well.  I can see clearly how this has evolved from a unenergetic and boring visual marque which lacked vigour, to a much more positive outcome and this brand now has a strong personality to it and this visual marque gives the brand so much more room for creativity when it comes to adversing and 5 th element possibilities.






Slack is another brand that shows great visual marque process and a total brand rebrand, I have looked at slack previously, access that blog – here. 




Dream Ranch

Their process

Dream Ranch brand was designed by Airside and I found their process to how they got their final visual marque extremely satisfying and very helpful. The designers starts out with a lot of sketches, they aren’t perfect they are just simple quick sketches communicating that designers initial thoughts and ideas. With the initial sketches they kept colour out of the equation, this is smart as colour can distort and or effect design possibilities and outcomes in the sketching stage; the designer then moved onto the digital stage where they explored with colour.







Their final visual brand design

After all of the hard work they combined all of the brand components together, including their Wordmark the logo and their decided final visual marque and they landed on the perfect brand visual. I can easily see the progression of ideas here and the influence taken from the initial sketches and the progression to digital and with colour added. This step by step process is easy to follow and understand for any reader and this shows a good development process and I need to take this inspiration from this example into my own work.




What have I learned?


This research has helped me feel more prepared and confident in creating my entire brand image, the above brands have taken every aspect into consideration including word marks, logos and their visual marques and I need to do the same. Each aspect needs to work together and look consistent. The above brands have the biggest focus on the creation of the visual marques as they are the main visuals that they use to represent their brand, in my circumstance I don’t need to use my visual mark as my brands main visual representative but I still need to create a good one.  I am finding it quite difficult to think of a visual marque that matches my brands main goal and values and the elements that I have created so far. Like Menti and slack I would love a visual marque that would give me more opportunities when it comes to advertising and 5th element possibilities so this is something I need to consider.



How can I apply this to my work?


I need to create a visual marque that ties in with my monogram and wordmark. Since I am struggling to think of a concept I will go back to the drawing board and begin sketching items that I like and objects that resemble my own personal values and traits. I will keep these sketches black and white as suggested by Dream Ranch and Daniel and I won’t focus on colour until I get to the digital design stages. I want to create a good step by step process on how I created my visual marque and brand like the above examples, good brand process takes practice but I am eager to learn how to do it this well.

IXD103- Looking at the visual identity process
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