Endless possibilities with colour


From researching colour psychology, to talking to Daniel and having my group critique I have decided to incorporate a wider range of colours into my brand, instead of just one or two. I want to portray my brands belief that their are endless possibilities in design and infinite outcomes and the idea that it is never ending. I think that having my audience chose from an extended colour palette allows them to see this belief and chose their favourite and making them feel empowered. this will also add an element of excitement to my brand an I am excited to approach this task!


Choosing my brand colours

My thought process behind choosing my own brand colours is that I wanted to get across my creative side to me and I wanted my brand to represent this. After designing my own monogram and wordmark I needed to start working with colour I have added all of my experimentations below, I have played around a lot here with a range of colour combinations from very light shades to darker, richer shades.





I have experimented with a lot of colours and as I wanted to see what tones would best with my monogram, after discussions with my peers and lecturer I have decide to use an extensive colour palette to add the element of surprise and excitement to my brand. By choosing this path this will re enforce my desire to demonstrate to the world that I have endless and invited ideas and possibilities when it comes to my brand.



I created this quick animation to demonstrate the idea of endless possibilities, I haven’t included every swatch here, I have just picked out a few chosen colours that my peers preferred and added them into this animation. To create this animation I used Adobe XD. This animation is not a finished product, I created this to show my idea of having a wide range of different colours and this was a good experiment to see what that could actually look like if I took an animated route in presenting this idea to my consumers, e.g through Instagram videos or an animation gif on my portfolio website. This could be something that I could explore further in the future.







My final main colour choice


I want my brand to have two main colours as I think there needs to be some consistency, this will be easier for social media identification and for my portfolio website that I will be creating. From looking at the wide range of ideas that I have explored I have decided on two colours that I think work great together.



Below are the hexcodes of my two chosen colours, on screen they look good together and this combination portrays everything that I wanted my brand to be presented as- orange shows my creativity and the purple/burgundy colour adds that aspect of professionalism that I wanted.




Pantone swatches

These are the colours that I will be printing in, so I decided to add in theses swatches. I think that when I get these colours printed they will also look good together and the colours are still complementary.




These colours in action

Colours with my monogram

Below I have added these colours to my monogram to show how they would look in action online, I have swapped the two shades around, one with an orange background and one with the purple background. Personally I prefer the purple background with the orange monogram, the orange shade is a nice bright, pop of colour in the centre surrounded by that nice deep purple shade it draws your attention to my monogram. I also experimented with using just one shade on a white background and I do think that this works with my monogram too, I think that the orange on the white is very striking and stands out more than the darker burgundy colour.  So if I need to but my monogram on top of white I think I would choose the orange option.









With my wordmark

Here I have explored different colours of fonts for my wordmark using the shade used above, I used the purple, orange, white and black fonts on different backgrounds to see how each colour worked and how they would look in different circumstances. I think that most of the options below work, I am not a fan of the black on the purple as it feels very heavy. I like the white on the orange and purple I think the white font breaks up the colours and adds a nice brightness.












Wordmark with monogram

Here I have included my wordmark and my monogram together. I decided to first try this with white font, this combination works well I think the white lifts it and with the orange I think it is complimentary. I have tried is with orange text below and personally I think that it is too much orange, it still works but with the white wordmark I think that it breaks it up.






I am not a fan of my third exploration. The orange base is too over powering, I think that it is taking away form my monogram and wordmark.





Visual marque with colour

I have added these colours to my visual marque and I think again that this pairs well, I would use different colours of my marque in different circumstances, it depends on what I am using this marque for, would I need a darker purple colour or a the orange shade? This would depend on background colour and the marques purpose .




Overall I think that this colour choice works will all elements of my brand, my monogram, wordmark and visual marque. Pairing these colours with white and black for text purposes also works, I feel very happy with how the colours bring all of my brand elements together.


Extensive palette idea

As I have mentioned previously from my group critic my peers and Daniel liked a range of colour choices that I presented them with, so I have decided to narrow that down to pick 3 other combinations alongside my 2 main colours. I have added in an image of what the extensive colour platter would look like below, this might be subject to change in the future as my brand develops, however I think that this is a nice feature which adds some emotional connections and personality.


  • mint and grey
  • orange and white
  • navy and blue
  • purple and orange







Pairing option

I got the idea to showcase these pairings of each colour combination in the form of an infinity, taking inspiration from my monogram and visual marque. This could be used to show the user clearly the different options to choose from and which colours go together. This idea clearly highlights my brands main belief that all possibilities are endless, with an extended colour palette this allows my audience to be in control and choose from a range of different colour possibilities.









I am very happy with my two main colour options for my brand, I am very excited to inject these colours throughout my brand and my portfolio at the end of this semester. I think that these two colours  represent everything that I wanted my brand to be- creative and professional. I think that my added feature of letting my audience pick and choose a colour scheme for example, for a business card, is a creative idea and adds a little more personality and an element of excitement to my brand. I think that this feature allows me to connect emotionally with my consumers as they feel as if they are considered and important, as they are the ones that get to choose the colour they prefer.






IXD103- Endless possibilities with colour
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