First paper wireframes


Below I have sketched out some wireframes for my elements app, I have looked at webpage layouts and app layouts below.













How did this go?

Taking my sharpie and creating very rough sketches is always fun, I enjoy this process. I think that I have some good base work to work of off when I take this digital and I am excited to see how I can work and improve upon these designs. I am not sure if I want to keep this just on iPhone app or if I want to make it just for desktop or maybe both? Through the user research I conduct I will see which is more necessary to students, this research will hopefully show me what they prefer or if both is needed. With the digital wireframes those will be more detailed as I need to figure out what kind of information I even need to include within the web pages.


What’s next?

So, what is next for me? I want to do some more wireframing, I want to try out some different techniques including cutting paper out and using that as a more physical wireframe, I am excited to see how this turns out. I also need to begin taking this digital I will do this on Figma very soon.

IXD301- First wireframes elements project
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