Looking at periodic table games


1. The first game I looked at was the Periodic Table of the Elements, With Symbols – Science Quiz

This was a timed game and I was asked to click on an element and I had to do this as fas as I could. When I got an answer wrong the element turned red and then I had to move onto the next element. On this website (which I thought was cool) I can click on specific areas within the table that I I want to revise, e.g. transition metals. This makes it easy for student to focus their attention and revision on certain groups within the table which I think is a cool feature.









2.  Sporcle– Can you erase the Periodic Table in the prompted random order without one wrong click? The game above is a race against the clock with a similar goal as the first one I tried above. The sheer amount of ads on this webpage makes it almost impossible to actually play but the object of the game is simple and straightforward. This was the same idea as the game I tried first, a timed one where I had to click the element. I think that the games for older students doesn’t stray far from this idea, they all have very similar goals and game layout, if I decided to go for a game aspect then I would need to do some more research to see if there are any online games for older students that have any different storylines and objectives.








Why look at games? I wanted to look at games because this could be a feature I include within my app or website. Since this is a potential option I needed to do some research to see what there is out there regarding the periodic table. Playing these games made me realise that my talents don’t lie with chemistry… that is besides the point though. These games are similar in the sense that you are asked to click the table and to find the specific element. They both seem to be a good memory game, therefore beneficial for students studying or want a quick game like test to better their memory of the elements. I need to ask myself do I want to make a game? Will this be beneficial to my students? Or should I add a small mini game to my website, a sort of fun quick memory task to complete. This is definitely something I want to think about, this research has helped my knowledge on what is out there in terms of periodic table games and resources. I think that these games are pretty simple and straight to the point and moving forward I need to decide if a game like aspect to my brand and website is needed or not…





IXD301- Element project Competitor research 1
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