Week 7- New Project
Kyle started this week off by explaining our next project…
Brief – Design and create a digital product to explain elements from the periodic table.
2019- International year of the periodic table
For this project I need to research the periodic table and decide what kind of digital product do I want to make? Kyle explained that this product can be for either children or undergraduate students and that I do not have to have to include every single elect from the periodic table- I can focus on a certain Group or Row.
Different devices that this digital product could be made for-
- iPad
- apple watch
- iPhone
- pc
- vr
This project can be for either children or undergrad students, I need to look at whether the types of apps and aids out there currently and whether or not they are aiding or confusing their understanding of the periodic table elements. I need to make sure I create a product that doesn’t do this but enhances their learning experience- not hinder it!
Some topics to research about the periodic table-
- groups
- apperance
- uses
- discovery date
- discovered by
Project requirements-
- A branded homepage containing your version of the periodic table.
- At least five additional element pages aimed at 10 year olds or below.
- At least 5 element page aimed at undergrad chemistry students.
- A style guide/ visual grammar and brand to accompany design.
- The delivery platform- figma/xd.
Exercises to complete this week:
Exercise 01 – organise raw text- spreadsheet
Exercise 02 – sketch out ideas- wireframing/ paper prototypes
Exercise 03- elements project ulster museum
What’s next ?
I will complete the tasks this week and make blogs about them, what I learned from them and the outcomes. I will begin to brainstorm this project and think about all of the possible outcomes and roads I could take with this project title. With this project I want to think outside of the box but still deliver a really nice final product. The first thing I need to decide is whether to aim my digital product at children or undergrad students, I will complete research on both and then decide with path to take. I am very excited to get started on this project and it will be fun to see where this takes me…