Original design
I presented the above business card design to Daniel and my group in my group critique in week 11 and Daniel gave me some tips and advice on how to further improve my business card design-
- Font is slightly hard to read- either change font size or colour or change the colour of the background.
Final versions
Main colours-
An example of my different coloured options-
I have decided to make the background white and keep all of the text on the back the same colour. I completely agree with Daniels critiques of my business card, I had similar worries the my information was too difficult to read. Now I have very happy with the outcome and I think that the changes that I made have made a big difference and I can now read the information easier.This was so important because the information on a business card is the main thing, it is the whole purpose of a business card so it is vital that my details are easily seen and easily read. I am very excited to begin the printing process for these cards and see them in real life!