Developing my final wordmark
More research
Moving forward with my wordmark project I have taken my favourite fonts and have began kerning, modifying and manipulating them in different ways to bring some personality and life to them and to my personal brand. I have previously researched wordmarks, access blogpost here and I have researched many different fonts for my brand, access blogpost here, I have continued to research fonts as I want to find the perfect one for my brand and get the most research as possible, I have added my new favourites below.
The Process
I have chosen font- Poiret one
All caps
After choosing my font I wanted to see what it would look like in all caps, I wondered if this would be a better approach for my wordmark. However I don’t like how this looks, it is too over whelming and the ‘e’ in my surname look so squished together, it looks too unbalanced and uneven. I will be continuing the the lower case for my wordmark.
Why did I choose this font?
I chose this particular font because I liked the way the e’s are tilted slightly it adds a light hearted aspect, so it isn’t too serious but overall it still appears modern, simple and clean which is what I wanted with my wordmark. I also think it pairs nicely with my monogram and they work well together.
My adjustments-
With using this this font I realised that I needed to adjust the G so it matches my final monogram which I have also included and I have included how I did this below. By changing certain aspects of the font it has made it more personal to me and it will make my brand more cohesive.
Planning adjustments with sketching
Here I have planned out how I would change the font to make it my own, I started with paper first.
Final monogram
From the images I have included of my monogram and my new wordmark’s it is clear that the adjustments I have made do tie my brand aspects and identities together nicely and fits with my monogram much better.
How did I create this wordmark?
Illustrator process
I have screens hotted how I created this wordmark and how I made the adjustments to the ‘G’ below.
I began with making a circle, this was the most important step as I had to get the G to match with the roundness of the G in my monogram.
I began to cut out sections of this circle and I have also drawn a very thin rectangle to use for the G.
I then placed all of the sections together and it formed a perfect circle and I created a G that matched my monogram. The below image shows my step by step and how the wordmark started and how it turned out.
I presented my ideas to Daniel and he gave me some pointers, he explained that my G was hanging lightly lower than the C so I needed to raise it to the same level and after that change my final workmark was ready…
Final wordmark
Final wordmark and monogram
I have included what my final wordmark looks like with my monogram as it is so important that the two work in harmony together and balance each other out. I am very pleased with how my monogram and wordmark look beside each other and they both represent everything that I wanted my brand to be- they look professional and creative next to each other and I am very happy!
Final thoughts
I am very pleased with my wordmark outcome, it gives off a clean, modern feel and with the slanted e’s I think it adds a nice friendly, creative touch. The changed G ties both the work mark and monogram together and I am happy because when both are used together they feel right. Overall I think that this has created a strong tone of voice for my brand and the different aspects are fitting together nicely, I am excited to see what is coming next!