Week 6 Group Critique
Today we had our group critique for our travel app and we had to have 3 screens completed for this critique.
My final 4 screens
Group feedback
The below image is a screenshot of feedback notes that my classmates left on my screens, I got some great feedback and things to look at and revisit.
Things I need to work on:
- building my Gap N’ Go brand more (choose a more defining font)
- work on smaller icons and interchange some
- alignment and smaller white boxes
What did I learn?
I always enjoy group critique sessions as I always get very helpful and constructive criticism. I find it extremely useful to read their comments on things that they liked and things they think I should reconsider. Paul gave me some good criticism that I will be sure to make those changes and take inspiration from his comments. I really enjoyed seeing everyone else apps and what they have achieved.
What is next?
I will make the suggested adjustments to my screens and I will continue to develop more screens for this app. I want to focus on creating a stronger brand for this travel app, so I will research more typefaces that will be more suitable for my app and I will focus on my brands image and values; hopefully this brand work will help me develop better screens.