Illustration development

I have begun the process of designing the illustrations for my travel app and here is how it went…

Paper sketches

I wanted to begin by experimenting with different illustration styles for my app and the hot air balloon idea that I have (this illustration would be my apps main visual image/ marque) and this would be a reoccurring image throughout the app I wanted to make sure I got that right style and shape and I began with some sketches.



Quick wireframes for app intro page

I want the hot air balloon for the intro page of my app so I wireframes some possible outcomes. I don’t want this intro page to be too over powering and cluttered so I think I prefer the first option and the section option best.





Destination illustrations

I have sketched out some possible ideas for destination illustrations for that section of my app. I was exploring and considering a flat design here or possibly adding a slight 3d element?




Illustrative icons

I have sketched out some icons below I want for the home page menu and again with the illustrative icons I have explored some possible styles including a flat simple design with shapes or a more complex 3d style.



Taking them digital


Hot air balloon ideas







The above images are my digital explorations of the hot air balloon, I started with a very simple flat deign and evolved that into a more detailed structure. I tested out some deep purple shades which I find too ‘cool’ and ‘distant’ and I don’t particularly like the middle style, the shape of the symmetrical lines isn’t the style that I want. I like the flat design it is simple but would still be a suitable choice for an app about travel but I  prefer my third option it is warmer and more welcoming.




Digital buildings


I have moved onto the digital designs of the building and I have decided to go for a simple 3d structure for these buildings, below I have chosen to design a temple for Thailand and the famous Eiffel Tower for Paris. I have decided to got for smooth shapes and lines with no texture, I think this works well especially for the background hills and even the clouds. This approach is clean and still visually attractive and my chosen colour choice here gives off the message of freedom, youth and excitement!






Home screen digital development


This is my final composition for my home screen, I think I still need to play around with the font and some of the colours but I like the centred balloon over the mountains and sunset I think this sets the perfect tone for this travel app.



Final illustrative icons

Below are my final icons for the home page menu. I have opted again for a simple flat design here focusing on shape and form, these are some of my favourite designs that I have illustrated, I know they aren’t fully complete yet but I think their simplicity sill work really well in my app. These icons will be for:

  1. gap guide
  2. exploring
  3. planner
  4. activities







I am very proud of my final illustrations and how they look in their digital forms. I think that this style is perfect for my travel app and reflects the values and message that I want this app to present, I think that this style of illustration is perfect for young adults and young travellers and my target audience will be drawn to this style and the over all feeling that these illustrations will give them. I have improved a lot over these last number of months and weeks especially in my illustration skills and I am very excited to touch up these illustrations and put them into a travel app.



What is next?

I will take my completed digital illustrations and begin to build them into my travel app. I will place the above images accordingly and I will ensure that my app screens and my illustrations have a nice balance and look professional. I need to develop 3 screens of my week 6 group critique and I will present my final app screens to my class then and get their feedback.



IXD104- Travel app Illustration Development
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