Within week 2 lecture Daniel showed us a video about how Moving Brands were asked to hypotheticlaly rebrand a global company and they chose Wikipedia. After the lecture I went back and rewatched the video and researched this project as I wanted to better understand the task and how they achieved it. I wanted to include this video and rebrand as I loved Moving Brands outcome for this hypothetical project, I thought it was a very clever approach.

Who are Moving Brands?

Moving brands are a company that specialise in web design and experience design, they come up with innovative ideas, products and experiences for businesses. They work with aspects of graphics, sound, motion, texture and emotion. They believe highly in collaborating and working with clients and designers as a team, they had a quote on the about page which I found inspiring,

“We believe that collaboration is the lifeblood of creativity.”


Rebranding Wiki

So for this particular rebrand Moving Brands focused on the ‘W’  which stand for Wikipedia. Firstly I thought the overall design of the ‘W’ was simple yet effective with a modern touch.



They constructed it in a way that showed the timeline of the company which I thought was a nice personal touch for the brand.


What impressed me the most was in the video it showed how they were able to construct this shape in a way that it they were able to use lines to create objects or symbols that reflected what that person was searching on Wikipedia for example, the ‘Bolo tie’ shown below. This line digital drawing would appear in the corner of the Wiki results page.



What did I learn?

This project generated global discussion and people had mixed reviews and opinions on their approach. I think it was really innovative, clever and I really enjoyed watching the video and to see the process of how they progressed with this project. This video also helped me to remember to always think outside of the box and not to limit myself. As Moving Brands have proved with this project- a lot can be achieved with experimenting with straight lines!

IXD103- Moving Brands
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