Exploring Identity- Week 1

Week 1 began with Daniel explaining how important words and language are when it comes to branding. We talked about beginning our personal brand journey and within the lecture we did a number of tasks revolving around the subject of identity.


Describing an inanimate object

We were asked asked to describe an inanimate object using only a few sentences and the class tried to guess what the object was. Below I have included my own description.

I make people smile. I can be used to make memories. You can take me anywhere.

What am I?

I am camera.


Recommendation task

This task had a few parts and the first part was we had to recommend your favourite book, show or something you really love in under 140 characters. This is what I came up with…

I am a story about a girl who after a sudden breakup needs a place to stay and finds herself having to move into an apartment loft with three men she doesn’t know in Los Angeles. This girl is quirky and full of life and these three men aren’t sure if they will be able to cope with her energetic personality, over time these strangers face the trials and trivials of life including relationship problems, work issues and end up becoming best friends. It is a witty comedy that  always has you laughing and you will binge watching repeatedly!

Part 2

The second part was to condense this information into just 4 words!

  • Comedy, sitcom, quirky, American

Part 3

We were then asked to quickly sketch out an image that related to our recommendation and I started with a few quick sketches that I felt described my show the best and I then decided on glasses.

Initial sketch-




Final sketch-


I decided to draw the glasses digitally as a quick sketch as I like the animated effect and I think this style fits the theme of the show I was describing.

What show was I describing?

New Girl


This tasks aim and what I got from it-

The aim of this task was to get us to think about how important words are and how it is important to condense descriptions into easy, simple words.I needed to drive people to make them watch this series with using the most important and convincing words. it taught me that it its important that I can convince people that my brand it amazing with only a few sentences, advertising is vital and I need to chose which words are needed and will sell my work and brand. Using a few words can be tricky and but I now know that I need to chose simple but correct words when branding myself!



Menti task

This was a class task were each of us had to enter words we associated with a particular brand and I have added images below of what we came up with as a class.


Reflection of this task

I enjoyed this task as it got me to think about brands I know well in a different way, each brand had both positive and negative words written about them and it was useful to see that my peers had some similar views to me also. This task again provided me with the knowledge that words are vital when it comes to branding and brands reputations.


Elevator pitch task

the elevator pitch task was that we were in a breakup room with a random person in the class and we each had 2 minutes to describe ourselves, describing what we like and our personalities. I was in a pair with Rosie and I learned a lot of qualities about her within those 2 minutes, but we were asked to concede that information to 4 words:

  • musical, creative, fun, artistic and outgoing.

The aim of this task

This takes aim was to try and explain yourself in the best light within a time limit. I found this quite difficult talking about myself and describe who I am in 2 minutes wasn’t easy. It was beneficial to see how well I could do this and now I know it is something I need to practise!


Week 1 reflection

The tasks we completed in Mondays class were very beneficial as I wasn’t aware of the importance of words and how they can make or break a brand. I now know I need to use simple, easy and efficient words when I come to brand myself and I need to practise my describing skills as I want to describe myself and my brand in the best way possible!


IXD103- Exploring Identity
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