Global Design

I wanted to have a look outside ixd research and go bigger. IDEO caught my eye and I was curious about their purpose and what they bring to the design industry. IDEO is a global design company and they create positive impact through design.


I first took a browse through their website, from first glance its minimal, sleek and modern. A feature I really liked on their website was a slideshow about the company, explaining what they are and how they started, etc. It is an enjoyable interactive feature and got me immediately hooked on their past and what they want to achieve. IDEO began 1978 in Palo Alto, California and they have studios all over the world! Their website is overflowing with articles, case studies and journal written by their designers with innovative and creative titles like:

  • How can we use AI to make things better for humans?
  • How will we move people and things in the future?

These are very big questions and they address real life global issues. This company explains to their audience in case studies and articles how they, as a company, are tackling these complex global issues. I chose to read the article on the website, ‘The power and potential of design in a global crisis’,  I have came to the conclusion that IDEO are very conscious about the world in which we live in and thrive to make it a better place through the power of design!

‘Innovation starts with people’


I found this particular quote above inspiring and important for designers like me to keep in mind, that it starts with us.


The Design of IDEO

I find their website design and layout very influential and creatively triggering, it is sleek and modern design is engaging but the simple navigation and overall layout is easy to use and to understand. It is responsive and its clean design makes me want to dive deeper into the website and continue to read! I like how interactive it is and this has given me great inspiration for my own design, for my website essay. I will definitely be coming back to this company for further reference in the future.


Pocket Profile- IDEO
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