The first character I tried to breakdown was Riley Anderson from inside out. A problem I encountered was that there wasn’t very many full body shots of Riley to base her figure off. However I found that she had a very long torso, despite her posture being quite slumped. She also has a head that is wider than her shoulders. The main difficulty with Riley was finding the facial proportions.
The second character I studied was One-Punch Kid from overwatch. Both OPK and Rileys facial shapes were quite similar. With small feature changes like the ears being higher and the nose being smaller on OPK. So I studied OPKs form and attempted to try creating an animation study on him.
The Final character I did was Carl from UP. Carls whole form was really fun to figure out. He is built using a lot of simple shapes, mainly squares and circles. As a consequence of these more defined shapes he ended up being the most difficult character to draw.